Iran 2000/01

Azadegan League

Final Table:

 1.Esteghlal Tehran         22 15  5  2  52-21  50  Champions
 2.Perspolis Tehran         22 13  7  2  36-16  46
 3.Saipa Tehran             22  8  9  5  29-27  33
 4.Zob-Ahan Isfahan         22  7  9  6  30-22  30
 5.Peykan Tehran            22  7  7  8  19-29  28  [*]
 6.Paas Tehran              22  5 12  5  25-23  27
 7.Sepahan Isfahan          22  5 11  6  19-23  26  [+]
 8.Foolad Ahvaz             22  6  7  9  23-27  25
 9.Fajr-Sepasi Shiraz       22  5  9  8  20-25  24
10.Esteghlal Rasht          22  7  3 12  23-43  24
11.Bargh Shiraz             22  4  9  9  23-26  21  
12.TeraktorSazi Tabriz      22  5  2 15  18-35  17  

[+] Siman Sepahan Isfahan changed sponsor and are now officially Foolad Sepahan Isfahan 
[*] Peykan Tehran took over the license from Bahman Kardaj who went bankrupt, but
    continued with Bahman's squad (but a different coach)

NB: in the end no teams were relegated although originally 2 were supposed to
    go down.

Round 1 [Aug 4]
Peykan       1-4 Esteghlal T 
  [Ali Baghmisheh 90; Ali Samereh 28, 61, 90, Dariush Yazdani]
Saipa        2-2 Perspolis 
  [Mohammad Momeni 45, Behnam Abolghasempur 55; Hamed Kavianpur 53, Reza Jabbari 79] 
Paas         1-1 TeraktorSazi 
  [H.R.Ebrahimi 38pen; Kazem Mahmoodi 45]
Fajr-Sepasi  1-1 Bargh 
  [Amir Vaziri 27; Syamak Mohammadbeigi 12]
Zob-Ahan     4-2 Esteghlal R
  [Reza Sahebi 53, 76, 90, Saeed Ramezani 55; A.H.Salamibakhsh 42,80] 
Foolad       1-2 Sepahan 
  [Kurosh Barmak 72; Davood Dehghani 52,Amin Musavi 63] 

Round 2 
[Aug 10]
TeraktorSazi 1-3 Esteghlal T
  [Ahmad.f.Karimloo 75; Farhad Majidi 52, 61, 90] 
Saipa        1-1 Foolad
  [Mohammad Momeni 30; Adel Hardani  65]
[Aug 11]
Perspolis    2-0 Peykan
  [Reza Jabbari 65, Esmaeel Halali 79] 
Bargh        1-1 Zob-Ahan 
  [Mehdi Shiri 80; Reza Saahebi 71] 
Sepahan      0-0 Fajr-Sepasi 
Esteghlal R  1-0 Paas 
  [M.R.Ashoori 37] 

Round 3
[Aug 18]
Esteghlal T  6-1 Esteghlal R
  [Mehdi Hashemi-Nasab 35, Mahmood Fekri 44, Farhad Majidi 48, 
   Ahmad Momenzadeh 61, 84, Ali Samereh 75; Sa'eed Bayat 30; att: 35,000]
Paas         1-1 Bargh
  [Majeed Noroozi 19; Mehdi Shiri 68; att: 30,000]
Foolad       0-1 Perspolis
  [Behrooz Rahbarifard 30pen; att: 30,000]
Zob-Ahan     1-2 Sepahan
  [Reza Ostovari 21; Hooshang Loveynian 31, Abdullah Veysi 40; att: 10,000]
TeraktorSazi 0-2 Peykan
  [Ali Baghmisheh 5, Mohammad Salek-Jabbari 62; att: 15,000]
[Aug 19]
Fajr-Sepasi  2-1 Saipa
  [Faraz Fatemi 68, Amir Vaziri 86; Behnam Abolghasempoor 80pen; att: 5,000]

Round 4 
[Aug 24]
Peykan       1-5 Foolad 
  [Darioush Mikaeli 82; Yahya Golmohammadi 9, Rashid Hoveyzeh 27, 59, Na'im Sa'davi 34pen,
   Kazem Jenami 88; att: 250] 
Saipa        0-0 Zob-Ahan 
[Aug 25] 
Esteghlal R  2-1 TeraktorSazi 
  [Sa'eed Bayat 13, Peyman Sahebjam'ei 82pen; Hadi Abdullahzadeh 15; att: 10,000]  
Sepahan      1-1 Paas 
  [Leon Stepanian 49; Rasul Khatibi 19; att: 10,000] 
Bargh        0-0 Esteghlal T
  [att: 35,000; NB: match was paused in 3' for 20 minutes due to fan riot]
[Sep 12] 
Perspolis    0-0 Fajr-Sepasi 

Round 5 
[Aug 31] 
Paas         1-2 Saipa
  [Majid Noroozi 44; Mohammad Soltani 17, Hosseyn Kazemi 81; att: 3,000] 
TeraktorSazi 2-0 Bargh  
  [Assadullah Tavakkoli 71,88; att: 8,000] 
Esteghlal R  1-2 Peykan  
  [Amir-Hoseyn Salamibakhsh 48; Aliasghar Modirroosta 61, Majid Saleh 88; att:12,000] 
Fajr-Sepasi  0-0 Foolad 
  [att: 5,000] 
[Sep 16]
Zob-Ahan     1-2 Perspolis
  [Reza Ostovari 50; Payan Rafat 3, 59]
[Nov 10]
Esteghlal T  1-1 Sepahan 

Round 6 
[Sep 5]
Saipa        2-2 Esteghlal T 
  [Farhad Khangoli 6, Behnam ABolghasempoor 10; Ali Samereh 61, Bahman Tahmasebi 88;
[Sep 8]
Bargh        6-0 Esteghlal R 
  [Mohammad Motavvari 18,66, Darioush Yazdi 43, Iman Amin 50, 61, Mohammad Mansoori 88;
   att: 0 (as punishment for riot round 4)]
Peykan       1-2 Fajr-Sepasi
  [Aliasghar Modirroosta 74; Reza Rezaei-Kamal 18pen, Amir Vaziri 82; att: 2,000] 
Sepahan      3-2 TeraktorSazi  
  [Davud Dehghani 1, Omidreza Ramezani 13, Leon Stepanian 43; Taghi Takhtekiani 55, 
   Mohammad Farshbaf 61; att: 10,000] 
Foolad       1-4 Zob-Ahan  
  [Kurosh Bakhtiaryzadeh 72, Aref Mohammadvand 3, Reza Sahebi 23, Reza Ostovari 49, 54;
   att: 5,000]  
[Nov 9]
Perspolis    2-1 Paas 

Round 7 
[Sep 15]
Paas         1-1 Foolad 
Bargh        0-1 Peykan 
  [att: 0 (as punishment for riot round 4)]
TeraktorSazi 1-2 Saipa  
Esteghlal R  2-1 Sepahan  
[Sep 27]
Zob-Ahan     2-0 Fajr-Sepasi 
[Dec 29]
Esteghlal T  2-2 Perspolis 
  [Mohammad Navazi 67, Mehdi Hashemi-Nasab 83; Behrooz Rahbarifard 58pen,
   Ali Karimi 88; att:110,000] 

Round 8 
[Sep 21]  
Saipa        2-1 Esteghlal R
Peykan       2-2 Zob-Ahan 
Fajr-Sepasi  0-1 Paas
Sepahan      1-1 Bargh 
[Dec 3]
Foolad       1-3 Esteghlal T 
  [Behnam Seraj 85; Ali Samereh 10, 48, 80; att:30,000] 
Perspolis    1-0 TeraktorSazi 
  [Hamid Estili 45; att:20,000] 

Round 9 
[Sep 29]
Sepahan      1-1 Peykan 
Bargh        2-1 Saipa  
TeraktorSazi 0-1 Foolad 
[Oct 3] 
Paas         1-1 Zob-Ahan 
[Dec 8]
Esteghlal T  2-1 Fajr-Sepasi 
  [Ali Samereh 28, Mohammad Navazi 38; Faraz Fatemi 1; att:20,000] 
Esteghlal R  1-4 Perspolis 
  [Shahin Bani-Ahmad 47; Ali Karimi 21, Behrooz Rahbarifard 30, 35pen, Hamid Estili 83pen;

Round 10 
[Oct 6] 
Saipa        2-1 Sepahan
Foolad       3-3 Esteghlal R
[Oct 8]
Peykan       1-1 Paas  
Fajr-Sepasi  2-0 TeraktorSazi 
[Dec 13]
Zob-Ahan     0-2 Esteghlal T 
  [Sirous Dinmohammadi 38, Ahmad Momenzadeh 45; att:20,000] 
[Dec 14]
Perspolis    1-0 Bargh  
  [Behrooz Rahbarifard 90pen] 

Round 11 
[Oct 13]
Saipa        0-0 Peykan 
TeraktorSazi 1-0 Zob-Ahan  
Esteghlal R  2-1 Fajr-Sepasi
[Oct 17]
Bargh        2-1 Foolad 
[Dec 23]
Sepahan      0-0 Perspolis 
[Dec 24]
Esteghlal T  1-1 Paas  
  [Alireza Nikhbakht-Vahedi 37; Rasul Khatibi 73; att:10,000] 

Round 12 
[Jan 4]
Esteghlal T  4-0 Peykan 
  [Ahmad Momenzadeh 48, Rafat Gholiev 49, Alireza Akbarpour 52, Mojahed Khaziravi 78;
[Jan 5] 
Perspolis    2-2 Saipa
  [Hassan Khanmohammadi 34, Ali Karimi 80; Pejman Jamshidi 17, Mohammad Soltani 87;
TeraktorSazi 0-1 Paas 
  [Mohsen Bayatinia 87; att:12,000]
Bargh        1-1 Fajr-Sepasi
  [Mohammad Mansoori 87pen; Faraz Fatemi 76; att:5,000] 
Esteghlal R  1-1 Zob-Ahan
  [Saeed Bayat 63; Rahman Rezaei 51; att:15,000] 
Sepahan      2-0 Foolad 
  [Majid Basirat 20pen, Afshin Hajipour 61; att:5,000]

Round 13 
[Jan 11]
Paas         1-2 Esteghlal R
  [Mohsen Bayatinia 5; Shahin Bani-Ahmad 22, 63; att:5,000]
[Jan 12]
Foolad       0-1 Saipa
  [Hossein Bakhtiarizadeh 30og; att:10,000]    
Zob-Ahan     1-1 Bargh
  [Ebrahim Taghipour 40; Iman Amin 30; att:4,000] 
Fajr-Sepasi  0-0 Sepahan 
  [att; 7,000]
[Feb 15]
Esteghlal T  5-1 TeraktorSazi
  [Ali Samereh 5, 90, Farzad Majidi 45, Mojahed Khaziravi 50, 
   Ahmad Momenzadeh 78; Aranik Marcussian 80; att:25,000]
[Feb 16]
Peykan       1-3 Perspolis 
  [Mohamad Salek-Jabbari 73; Reza Jabbari 10, Edmond Bezik 20,
   Mohammad Barzegar 23; att:30,000]

Round 14 
[Jan 21]
Sepahan      0-4 Zob-Ahan 
  [Samson Petrossian 21, Reza Sahebi 73, 92, Reza Ostovari 90; att: 2,000] 
Peykan       1-0 TeraktorSazi 
  [Behrooz Parvareshkhah 44pen; att: 1,000] 
Saipa        1-1 Fajr-Sepasi 
  [Farhad Khangoli 53; Amir Vaziri 52; att: 1,000] 
[Jan 22]
Perspolis    2-1 Foolad  
  [Amirhosseyn Aslanian 7, Hamed Kavianpour 20; Iman Mob'ali 35; att:10,000] 
Bargh        2-2 Paas 
  [Siamak Mohammadbeygi 23, Mohammad Mansoori 94pen; Sebo Shahbazian 38pen, 
   Reza Torabian 55; att:5,000] 
[Mar 10]
Esteghlal R  1-0 Esteghlal T
  [Shahram Parnianfar 28]

Round 15 
[Jan 28]
Foolad       0-0 Peykan
Zob-Ahan     4-2 Saipa  
  [Reza Sahebi 51, 90, Reza Ostovari 60, Ali Mirzaei 92; Farhad Khangoli 24,
   Shahin Samadian 80; att:1,000] 
Fajr-Sepasi  1-1 Perspolis 
  [Faraz Fatemi 43pen; Payan Rafat 18; att:25,000]
[Jan 30]
TeraktorSazi 1-0 Esteghlal R 
  [Kazem Mahmoodi 9; att:8,000]
Paas         1-1 Sepahan 
  [Mohsen Bayatinia 40; Mahmood Karimi 90; att:10,000]
Esteghlal T  4-2 Bargh 
  [Alireza Nikbakht-Vahedi 18, Sattar Hamedani 28, Bahman Tahmasebi 80, 90; 
   Mehdi Shiri 1, Mohammad Motavvari 25; att:20,000]

Round 16 
[Feb 2] 
Foolad       1-0 Fajr-Sepasi 
  [Mohammad Khorramgah 72og; att:4,000]
Perspolis    2-0 Zob-Ahan 
  [Afshin Peyrovani 35, Ali Ansarian 90pen; att:25,000]
[Feb 4]
Saipa        1-2 Paas
  [Farhad Khangoli 79; Javad Nekoonam 55, Ali Latifi 67; att:500] 
Bargh        0-0 TeraktorSazi
Peykan       1-0 Esteghlal R
  [Ali-Asghar Modir-Roosta 78; att: 50}
Sepahan      0-2 Esteghlal T
  [Sattar Hamedani 29, 41; att:20,000]

Round 17
[Feb 11]
Esteghlal T   2-0 Saipa 
  [Farzad Majidi 19, Ali Samereh 85; att:15,000]
Esteghlal R   2-1 Bargh 
  [Ali Shokrekhoda 58, Amir-Hosseyn Salamibakhsh 90pen; Mohammad Mansoori 9pen;
Fajr-Sepasi   2-1 Peykan 
  [Faraz Fatemi 2, Reza Rezaei-Kamal 90pen; Ali-Asghar Modir-Roosta 39pen;
TeraktorSazi  2-0 Sepahan 
  [Hosseyn Khatibi 75, 86; att:10,000]
Zob-Ahan      0-0 Foolad 
[Feb 12]
Paas          0-0 Perspolis 

Round 18 
[Feb 16]
Fajr-Sepasi   0-0 Zob-Ahan 
Foolad        1-1 Paas  
  [Behnam Seraj 89; Rasul Khatibi 71; att:5,000] 
Sepahan       0-0 Esteghlal R
[Feb 20]
Peykan        1-0 Bargh 
  [Saeed Lotfi 28; att:2,000]
Saipa         2-1 TeraktorSazi 
  [Farhad Khangoli 82, Behnam Abolghasempour 94; Assadullah Tavakkoli 20; att:3,000]
[Feb 23]
Perspolis     0-1 Esteghlal T
  [Alireza Akbarpour 74; att:100,000]

Round 19 
[Feb 22]
Paas          4-1 Fajr-Sepasi  
  [Rasul Khatibi 13, Ali Latifi 41, 55, Amir-Hosseyn Yoosefi 53; Amir Vaziri 88:
[Feb 25]
Esteghlal R   0-2 Saipa  
  [Javad Kazemian 63, Behnam Abolghasempour 76; att:15,000] 
Zob-Ahan      1-0 Peykan 
  [Rahman Rezaei 59; att:4,000] 
Bargh         1-0 Sepahan  
  [Mohammad Motavvari 10pen; att:10,000]
[Feb 28]
TeraktorSazi  0-3 Perspolis
  [Ali Karimi 5, Payan Rafat 46, Ebrahim Assadi 79; att:20,000] 
[Mar 29]
Esteghlal T   2-1 Foolad 
  [Alireza Nikbakht-Vahedi 44, Hossein Bakhtiarizadeh 65og; Behnam Seraj 6;

Round 20
[Mar 4]
Peykan        0-0 Sepahan 
Saipa         2-1 Bargh  
  [Behnam Abolghasempour 81, Javad Kazemian 83; Mehdi Shiri 54pen; att:1,000] 
Zob-Ahan      0-0 Paas 
[Mar 6]      
Foolad        2-1 TeraktorSazi 
  [Kazem Jenami 75, Yahya Golmohammadi 87; Saman Musavi 83og; att:10,000]
[Mar 17]
Perspolis     4-1 Esteghlal R 
  [Leys Nobari-Naseri 6, Behrooz Rahbarifard 32, 43pen, Amir Aslanian 78; 
   Shahin Bani-Ahmad 85; att:20,000]
[Apr 8]
Fajr-Sepasi   2-3 Esteghlal T 
  [Faraz Fatemi 25pen, Mahmood Khoramzi 68; Ali Samereh 31, Rafat Gholiev 66, 78;

Round 21 
[Apr 12]
Paas          1-2 Peykan
  [Mohsen Bayatinia 66; Kuroush Barmak 80, 87; att:1,000] 
[Apr 13]
Bargh         0-2 Perspolis 
  [Ali Karimi 67, Leys Nobari-Naseri 91; att:30,000]
Sepahan       1-1 Saipa 
  [Majid Basirat 90; Ramin Mohtashami 50; att:7,000]
TeraktorSazi  3-2 Fajr-Sepasi
  [Hosseyn Khatibi 4, Assadullah Tavakkoli 39, Alireza Pejman 73;
   Amir Vaziri 34, Mehdi Rajabzadeh 80; att:6,000] 
Esteghlal R   0-1 Foolad 
  [Behnam Seraj 36; att:15,000]
[Apr 14]
Esteghlal T   2-1 Zob-Ahan        [in Tabriz due to renovation Azadi stadium]
  [Mahmood Fekri 60, Ali Musavi 77; Reza Sahebi 61pen; att:25,000]

Round 22 [Apr 19]
Perspolis     0-2 Sepahan         [in Tabriz]
  [Seyyed-Amin Musavi 67, 86; att:25,000]
Paas          2-1 Esteghlal T     [in Mashhad]
  [Amir-Hosseyn Yusefi 14, Rasul Khatibi 65; Mahmood Fekri 43; att:10,000]
Fajr-Sepasi   1-0 Esteghlal R
  [Amir Vaziri 6; att:10,000] 
Zob-Ahan      2-0 TeraktorSazi 
  [Samson Petrossian 85, Reza Sahebi 90; att:1,000]
Peykan        0-0 Saipa 
Foolad        1-0 Bargh 
  [Iman Mobali 84; att:35,000]

Final Table:

 1.Esteghlal Tehran         22 15  5  2  52-21  50  Champions
 2.Perspolis Tehran         22 13  7  2  36-16  46
 3.Saipa Tehran             22  8  9  5  29-27  33
 4.Zob-Ahan Isfahan         22  7  9  6  30-22  30
 5.Peykan Tehran            22  7  7  8  19-29  28  [*]
 6.Paas Tehran              22  5 12  5  25-23  27
 7.Sepahan Isfahan          22  5 11  6  19-23  26  [+]
 8.Foolad Ahvaz             22  6  7  9  23-27  25
 9.Fajr-Sepasi Shiraz       22  5  9  8  20-25  24
10.Esteghlal Rasht          22  7  3 12  23-43  24
11.Bargh Shiraz             22  4  9  9  23-26  21  
12.TeraktorSazi Tabriz      22  5  2 15  18-35  17  

[+] Siman Sepahan Isfahan changed sponsor and are now officially Foolad Sepahan Isfahan 
[*] Peykan Tehran took over the license from Bahman Kardaj who went bankrupt, but
    continued with Bahman's squad (but a different coach)

NB: in the end no teams were relegated although originally 2 were supposed to
    go down.


14 Reza Sahebi (Zob-Ahan) 
13 Ali Samereh (Esteghlal T) 
 8 Reza Ostovari (Zob-Ahan) 
   Amir-Hosseyn Salamibakhsh (Esteghlal R) 
 7 Faraz Fatemi (Fajr-Sepasi) 
   Behrooz Rahbarifard (Perspolis) 
   Amir Vaziri (Fajr-Sepasi) 
 6 Behnam Abolghasempour (Saipa) 
   Farhad Khangoli (Saipa)   
   Rasul Khatibi (Paas) 
 5 Iman Amin (Bargh) 
   Mohammad Mansoori (Bargh)
   Mohammad Momeni (Saipa) 
   Ahmad Momenzadeh (Esteghlal T)
Players of Esteghlal who made at least one appearance:

GK: Hadi Tabatabei, Parviz Boroomand, Masood Ghasemi 
DF: Javad Zarrincheh, Mehdi Hashemi-Nasab, Mohammadreza Mahdavi (moved to Charleroi 
    during season), Mohammad Navazi, Alireza Nikbakht-Vahedi, Mojahed Khaziravi,
    Arastoo Mohammadi 
MF: Mahmood Fekri, Sattar Hamedani, Sirous Dinmohammadi, Alireza Akbarpour, 
    Rafat Gholiev (Rep. of Azerbaijan), Behzad Dadashzadeh, Farzad Majidi, 
    Yadollah Akbari (came from Saipa during season), Dariush Yazdani (moved 
    to Charleroi during season), Ramin Moharramnejad, Saeed Beygi 
FW: Ali Samereh, Bahman Tahmasebi, Ahmad Momenzadeh, Farhad Majidi (moved to 
    Al-Wasl (UAE) during season), Ali Musavi (came from Bayer Leverkusen during 
    season), Mehdi Salehpour, Ali Latifi (moved to Paas during season) 

MANAGER: Mansoor Pourheydari 

Cup 2000/01

Round 4 (1/8 Finals)
[Mar 8 and 15]
ZobAhan (Isfahan)   2-0 0-2 Shahin Ahvaz           [aet, 4-1 pen]
Paas (Tehran)       2-0 1-1 Bargh (Shiraz)
[Feb 28 and Mar 16]
Foolad (Ahvaz)      1-1 1-2 FajrSepasi (Shiraz)
[? and Apr 26]
Bimeh Iran (Tehran) 1-5 0-2 Nassaji Mazandaran (Gha'em Shahr) 
Shahrdari Kerman    1-3 0-3 Saipa (Tehran)
[May 1 and 6]
Perspolis (Tehran)  1-0 awd Shamooshak (Noshahr)   [2nd leg played in Sari and
         abandoned at 0-2 at half-time following stadium collapse; awarded 0-3]
[dates unknown]
AbooMoslem (Mashad)   bt    Esteghlal Rasht
[May 30 - only one match]
Esteghlal (Tehran)    3-0   Peykan (Tehran)

[May 11 and 25]
ZobAhan (Isfahan)   3-1 0-0 Paas (Tehran) 
[May 11 and ?]
FajrSepasi (Shiraz)  bt    Nassaji Mazandaran (Gha'em Shahr) 
[Jun 15 and 20]
Saipa (Teheran)     3-0 0-1 Shamooshak (Noshahr) 
[? and Jun 16]
AbooMoslem (Mashad) 3-2 1-3 Esteghlal (Tehran) 

[Jun 20 and ?]
FajrSepasi (Shiraz) 1-0 2-2 Esteghlal (Tehran) 
[? and Jul 3]
Saipa (Tehran)      0-1 0-2 ZobAhan (Isfahan)

Final [Jul 8 and 15]
ZobAhan (Isfahan)   0-1 1-2 FajrSepasi (Shiraz)

Sunday 8 July 2001- Zob Ahan Stadium (Fooladshahr)
Iranian Cup - Final Match - First Leg
Zob Ahan              0-1   Fajr Sepasi 

att: 8,000
Ref: Farajollah Yasrebi

Zob Ahan: Rasul Zamani; Reza Azizi, Saeed Dehghan, Jalal Omidian, 
Seyed Ali Seyed-Mirzaei; Hamid Azizzadeh, Mostafa Salehinejad, 
Aref Mohammadvand ('85 Mojtaba Nazeri), Saeed Ramezani ('86 Mahmood Mansoori);
Reza Ostovari, Reza Sahebi

Fajr Sepasi: Seyed Mehdi Rahmati; Alireza Pourmand, Mohammad Khorramgah, 
Bahram Shafiei, Mehdi Rajabzadeh; Mahmood Khorramzi, Seyed Davood Seyed-Abbasi,
Vahid Rezaei, Mehrzad Ma'edanchi; Bahram Esmaili, Amir Vaziri 

Goals: Bahram Esmaili 72
Yellow: Mohammad Khorramgah (Fajr) Mostafa Salehinejad (Zob Ahan)

Sunday 15 July 2001- Shahid Dastgheyb Stadium (Shiraz)
Iranian Cup - Final Match - Second Leg
Fajr Sepasi           2-1   Zob Ahan 

att: 5,000
Ref: Gholamali Hamirad

Fajr Sepasi: Seyed Mehdi Rahmati; Alireza Pourmand, Hamid Talebi, 
Bahram Shafiei, Mehdi Rajabzadeh; Mahmood Khorramzi, Seyed Davood Seyed-Abbasi,
Vahid Rezaei, Babak Zorrahmi ('88 Hassan Ostovari); Bahram Esmaili
('70 Shahram Safari), Amir Vaziri('84 Koroush Heydari) 

Goals: Bahram Esmaili 13, Amir Vaziri 47 [Fajr]; 
       Aref Mohammadvand 85 [Zob ahan]
Yellow: Davood Seyed-Abbasi, Koroush Heydari (Fajr)
Red:Mahmood Khorramzi '64(Fajr); Reza Azizi '64 (Zob Ahan)


First Iranian AFC Cup (Jaam Velayat) 2000/01

Organised by the Iranian Association of Football Clubs; participants are
youth (U-23) teams of professional clubs, 2nd division teams and regional


Shahin Ahvaz   4-3 MohemmatSazi Tehran
Homa Tehran    2-3 Bargh Shiraz 

Final [Oct 12, 2000]
Bargh Shiraz   3-1 Shahin Ahvaz 

Second Level 2000/01

First Phase

In regional groups, no info available.

Promotion Playoff (Second Phase)

Rounds 1-5 no info

Round 6 [Apr 13] 
Malavan      0-1 Payam Peykan  
Homa         0-2 Mohemmatsazi  
AbooMoslem   1-0 Chooka 

Round 7 [Apr 20] 
Homa         1-3 Malavan 
AbooMoslem   2-1 Payam Peykan 
Chooka       0-0 Mohemmatsazi 


 1.AbooMoslem Mashhad        7  5  1  1   7- 5  16 
 2.Malavan Anzali            7  3  2  2   9- 7  11 
 3.MohemmatSazi Tehran       7  3  1  3   6- 4  10 
 4.Homa Tehran               7  2  2  3   7-10   8 
 5.Payam Peykan Mashhad      7  2  1  4   5- 8   7 
 6.Chooka Talesh             7  1  3  3   4- 4   6 

Round 8 [Apr 27] 
Malavan       -  Chooka 
Mohemmatsazi  -  AbooMoslem 
Payam Peykan  -  Homa 

Promoted: AbooMoslem Mashhad and Malavan Anzali



list of champions.

list of cup finals.

list of topscorers.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Sina Sepehri and Milad Niqui for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Sina Sepehri and Milad Niqui
Last updated: 16 Oct 2014

(C) Copyright Sina Sepehri, Milad Niqui and RSSSF 2000/14
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.